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Call to Duty or how to attract the high-lvl to help you with dungeon

Discussion in 'Гайды и F.A.Q.' started by caiiiok254, May 18, 2019.

  1. caiiiok254

    caiiiok254 Активный участник Пользователь

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    Sooner or later you will meet with special quest - the red one, and then you'll get special item - Call to Duty. What does it mean and where should you use it - look below!

    The first dungeon quest is to kill 1 Boss, the reward is purple weapon (your first and strongest one on this lvl). This quest is unique because its only one that have 3 dungeons to beat (1 for each race) . With each dungeon quest you'll get special symbol - Call to Duty [​IMG]. You need it for taking quest in a tables at the start of the dungeon (if you forget to activate it at the start - you can always use it near bosses). After killing the boss you'll get the big reward (exp, reputation, items), but who will help you with it? Call to Duty! When activates the quest is given to WHOLE party (even if someone not in dungeon). Usually the reward for others is Blood [​IMG], that needed to craft high-lvl gear, not much exp and REPUTATION. The reputation is big pain for high lvl guys, so they need it so hard (more about reputation later in big guide).
    Also its rare to loot the Darkness Stamp [​IMG] from mobs, you can exchange this item to reputation, NPC Wraithhunter Hu in Archosaur (usually 5 rep for 2nd lvl of stamp and +1 for each lvl over).

    Okay, something is cleared up, but what about the dungeons?

    In Archosaur we can find the really useful thing - Illusion Stone, this NPC is teleport us to dungeons for small amount of cash. The green labels is dungeons that we have outgrown (but still can visit it). The white is which we should visit as soon as possible. And the red one is dungeons which is too hard for us.

    The list of all dungeons (better have it in bookmarks):

    Den of Rabid Wolves - 19 level - only for Zoo
    Cave of Vicious - 19 level - only for Winged Elves
    Firecrag Grotto - 19 level - only for Humans

    Reputation reward for 19 dungeons is 10 points for complete the quest.

    Hall of Deception - 29 level - boss is Qingzi, also needed for Bounty Hunter quest (40+ level) in the center of Archosaur.
    Reputation reward is 10 points .

    Gate of Delirium - 39 level - 3 bosses, also needed for BH.
    Reputation reward is 45 points.

    Frostcover Grounds - 51 level - 3 bosses, 2 items, to get the 3rd you need to kill 2 bosses, run out to complete the quest and comeback to dungeon, bosses also needed for BH.
    Reputation reward is 60 points.

    Valley of Disaster - 59 level - 5 bosses, they also need for BH.
    Reputation reward is 100 points .

    Wraithgate - 69 level - 5 bosses, you need only 3 of them for quests.
    Reputation reward is 90 points.

    Hallucinatory - 79 level - 4 bosses, they also needed for BH.
    Reputation reward is 120 points.

    Hell side:

    Eden - 89 level - 3 bosses.
    Reputation reward is 150 points.

    Abaddon - 99 level - 4 bosses.
    Reputation reward is 400 points.

    Heaven side:

    Brimstone Pit - 89 level - 3 bosses.
    Reputation reward is 150 points.

    Seat of Torment - 99 level - 4 bosses.
    Reputation reward is 400 points .

    Thank you for reading, I'm really appreciate it!

    Best regards, caiiiok254 aka Moonillar (the archer, who don't believe in kindness so he found the truth).

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