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Map display on widescreen monitors, infinite zoom, window defrost

Тема в разделе "Гайды и F.A.Q.", создана пользователем WhiteAss, 13 дек 2020.

  1. WhiteAss

    WhiteAss Житель форума Пользователь

    Translated from the russian guides:

    Dear players, with update # 24 , the following feature has been added:
    1. Correct display of the map on widescreen monitors.
    2. Activation of the infinite zoom mode (moving the camera away).
    3. Defrost / Freeze a window when switching to another window.

    Control of these functions is available in the file - Perfect World Classic \ element \ userdata \ pwclassic.ini
    ; 1 - enable, 0 - disable
    NewMap = 1; Static map resolution
    NoZoom = 0; Camera lock function when scrolling
    FreezingWindow = 1; Freezing a window when switching to another window​
    ; 1 - enable, 0 - disable
    NewMap = 1; Static map resolution - basically on a wide screen the map will be displayed correctly
    NoZoom = 0; Camera lock function when scrolling - enable or disable infinite zoom
    FreezingWindow = 0; Freezing a window when switching to another window - enable or disable windows freeze

    If you want to change any of the parameters , you need to:
    1. Close the client.
    2. Change the value (0 or 1), save the changes.
    3. Restart the client.

    Important: The active window consumes ~ 2-3 times more CPU resources.

    If the pwclassic.ini file is missing at the specified address - Perfect World Classic \ element \ userdata , install a manual update or download and reinstall the client.

    PS: on my client the pwclassic.ini file was not there. Trying to update and recheck client didn't create this file so I simply manually created it and it works.
    Classic и GendelfLg нравится это.

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