1. Гость, если сервер для Вас недоступен - попробуйте добавить папку с клиентом игры в исключения антивируса и выполните проверку в Лаунчере. Ознакомьтесь с F.A.Q на форуме и нашим Telegram каналом: @mmoclassic

Upgrade failed, startup problem.

Тема в разделе "Предложения и Вопросы", создана пользователем Classic, 15 янв 2018.

Статус темы:
  1. Classic

    Classic Administrator Команда pwclassic

    1. If your antivirus / firewall or operating system blocks client installation / launch or error "Could not launch game":
    1.1. Add folder with game to the exceptions in your antivirus / firewall and use check in Launcher.
    1.2. On Windows 8/10: if the message "Windows Defender Filter prevented the launch of an unidentified application" appears, click "Details" and "Run Anyway".

    2. If you have error "Game update terminated":

    2.1. Click "Verify" button
    2.2. If did not help, use manual upgrade:
    Archive of Updates
    Install in the game folder: "Perfect World Classic".

    3. If the following window appears when the client starts up:
    3.1. Try restarting the computer.
    3.2. Check the driver on the graphics card and DirectX, drivers can be downloaded at this page.

    4. If all the links unavailable when selecting a server.
    4.1. You need to check the client version, the latest version is listed in this topic, install manual update.
    4.2. Reinstall client.
    5. If you can not run the installation files. Installation aborts / knocks out error "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program".
    5.1. Check the path to the installation files, folder names should not contain special characters or Cyrillic, only Latin letters and numbers. Path example: D://games/perfectworld/
    5.2. You need to download the client in a zip-archive, and then unpack it in a convenient place for you and run it through Launcher.exe.

    Perhaps you will find a solution to your problem in F.A.Q. topic.

    If none of the options solve your problem try reinstall client and ask a question on the forum or contact support.
    The waiting time for a response from the Support depends on the workload and priority of your request.
    If possible, ask a question on the forum in the appropriate section.
  2. Classic

    Classic Administrator Команда pwclassic

    You can find answers for these questions, as well as other frequently asked questions in F.A.Q topic.
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